Saturday, April 26, 2014

Best Wordpress Plugins Take a Look

If you own a wordpress site like many of us do, we wanted to gives you a list of some of the better plugins that we recommend.  It's all determined by what your needs are.  But take a look I'm sure you will find some of these to be pretty amazing.  Wordpress plugin developers have come a long way over the years.  Many have automated the system so it makes life easier on you and trust me that's a big help.  Blogs have taken new shapes and the graphics are what catches your readers eyes.

1) The #1 ranked plugin BY FAR is SEO Pressor  It can get you ranked on the 1st page of Google and Bing and the users love this.  You can blow past your competition with this handy little plugin.

2) WP users love Squeeze pages-they attract more people and more money.  You don't have to be a wizard to add these to your blog.  Take a look and see how this can benefit you in more ways then one.  Browse what this Squeeze Page Plugin can do for you!

3) People love InstaMember it helps you build a list almost instantly-it triggers people to give them their email address and is easy to use and design.  This is the perfect plugin that will quickly bring people aboard and start making you money.

4) The only Facebook software and plugin you will ever need, it siphons sales while you sleep that's how good this is!  If you use any social media site this is should be #1 on your list! 

5) You want to make money on Amazon?  This is AZON the Official plugin that is making people tens of thousands of dollars every month and it's on auto pilot! 

6) Local Directory plugin allows you to rank even higher if you allow people to submit their business to you!  This is the future of link building and it works like a charm!

7) Mass Income Multiplier is so far ahead of it's time it's not funny!  This works and can make YOU a TON of money quickly in any niche.  It gives YOU so much and attracts so much traffic with little no work.  You should own this software no matter what kind of site you have. 

8) Eclipse Link Cloaker can make any link in your blog point towards any affiliate site, this is easy to do and personally I have it on all my sites!  It truly is one of the best plugins on the market today.  Give Eclipse a try we know you will love it! 

9) The Socializer Plugin is and should be mandatory for any blog!  It sends out your post to hundreds of sites automatically-great for auto blogs-brings in traffic and your linking yourself yo high page rank sites!

10) Link Builder gets you high ranking backlinks automatically and can make YOU a great deal of money.  Can be used on any niche! 

11) The localize plugin does just that-it brings you to #1 for specific keywords that is geared to a specific area!  This is also nice because it generates quite a bit of free website traffic for your blog! 

12) Lead Capture Plugin gives you a unblockable plugin that ensures people leave their email address for you!  This starts your list building campaign! 

13) Wordbay is a powerful plugin for making commissions on Ebay!  This is so easy to use and the affiliate commissions are HUGE!  Just another revenue source for plugins!

14) Coupon Generator does just that, you can tell the world about any sales you may be having, design a coupon for a post and BINGO there you got a sale.

15) Keyword Insertion Plugin!  This is one of those plugins that not only makes your site stunning but a money making magnet!  A must have.

These are some other plugins and ideas that are making people money with wordpress I hope you can take a few minutes and go over them, some you will love!
Here is a RSS Plugin that is a necessity for any blog owner-it engages your viewers and submits to hundreds of sites automatically.  The Viral Payment Plugin gives you many ways to make money-it is astonishing!  The Page Builder Plugin designs you beautiful looking pages for you blog.  Traffic Pinch monetizes any link you share and like on Facebook!  Bestseller Robot brings you commissions from numerous places!  Pop Up Domination is used by 50,000 wordpress users, it makes your site a selling machine.  Backlink Beast does just that BUT goes even further then you anticipated.  Have a professional blog designer make a plugin for you or have them Build a Website that generates money for you!  As you can see there are many great options (plugins) that can help your site succeed!

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