Sunday, April 27, 2014

Clippers Owner Is a Racist

L. A Clippers owner is a complete racist, what the hell was he thinking?  I just can't believe what I just heard?  A NBA that is 77% black and is busting Magic Johnson's balls?  Wow, here's a guy that has a team fighting for the NBA Championship and he can't keep his big mouth shut?  Just because he has money does that allow him to say anything he wants?  I know this is a free country but this is his business, how in the hell is anyone going to play for him again?  Though money talks I highly doubt that others around the league would want to play for him.  I can't stand the show TMZ but they do find these great stories but this one takes the cake.  When interviewed Magic couldn't believe his ears either?  Donald Sterling does NOT want his girlfriend to have a picture taken with Magic because he's black?  I thought his girl is half black? 

What the league will do we won't know just yet BUT I can tell you this a suspension is NOT god enough.  This guy has more money then brains just look at him.  These are the faces of the NBA, does every owner in California have this slick backed hair look?  Kinda looks like Al Davis, just a piece of shit that needs to sell the team and get out of the limelight.  Here is the complete audio from this douchebag!

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