Friday, April 18, 2014

Mans Soda Costs 525.00 At VA Hospital

What the fuck is wrong with this country?  
A simple 89 cents soda ended up costing a construction worker 525 bucks because he went up and got a refill and didn't pay?  The jerkoff that arrested him should be slapped in the face, honestly it's pathetic how people in this country get off by screwing good people.  Christopher Lewis was working on-site at the downtown Charleston VA Medical center and during lunch in the hospital cafeteria, he grabbed a refill of his drink without paying. Lewis failed to notice posted signs indicating that refills were not free. "As I was filling my cup up, I turned to walk off and a fella grabbed me by the arm and asked me, ‘Was I going to pay for that?’ And I told him I wasn't aware that I had to pay for that," Lewis recalled. The construction worker said that he never saw the posted signs and admitted that he had refilled drinks in the past without paying.

Mr. Lewis then attempted to pay for the $0.89 refill, but he said that he was not allowed to. The officer, who is also the chief of the Federal Police Force that patrols the VA hospital, issued Lewis a ticket for shoplifting. "I never had an option to make right what I had done wrong," said Lewis. "Every time I look at the ticket, it's unbelievable to me, you know. I can't fathom the fact that I made an 89 cent mistake that cost me $525." A hospital spokesperson called his actions theft of government property.

Lewis was also told not return to the property, which effectively meant he was off the construction job. The North Charleston man said, "I'm done there, at the VA hospital. I'm not allowed to go on the premises anymore. Not even, I asked him can I still work on the job site and just bring my lunch and not got to the cafeteria and he said he wanted me off of the premises." WCSC reports that the hospital spokesperson told them that “it was her understanding that Lewis was aggressive during the confrontation.”


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