Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Let's Get Rid Of The "Poke" Please

I'm not really sure what the hell POKE means on Facebook?  Does it mean your interested in someone, or does it mean HI, or YOUR IT?  Don't you find it more annoying then anything else?  Facebook is not a dating site or is it?  I guess if you find someone attractive you would say YOU LOOK ATTRACTIVE not poke them!  

There are thousands of dating sites out there today and many are free.  Hey facebook has lots of good uses like scumbag videos, porn images and stupid daily quotes.  You even get to tell people where and when your going on vacation so someone can break into your house and steal - what more could you ask for?  The games are cool though aren't they?  Do you think they are addicting or is it that all your friends have better lives then yours and you find yourself comparing?  Social media has turned it's cheek of late on stupid stuff, and why you ask?  Because people love stupid stuff and can't seem to get enough of it and FB is full of crap we love.  I will be the first to admit that it's great to stay in touch with long lost friends and family that lives across the country.  But this POKING shit has to go, no one really knows what the fuck it means and because there is no facebook dictionary that explains what the fuck it is, let's just get rid of it once and for all!  

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